Mitt septer for et tusenårsrike

    Norwegian Black Metallers Taakeferd released their new album “Mitt septer for et tusenårsrike” this year. A new flame has ignited the old beast which manifests itself in the new album titled “Mitt septer for et tusenårsrike“. With no intention of reinventing the genre, MSFET rather stands in the tradition of the old, disgusting, dirty and aggressive black metal sound. Still undeniably Black Metal, but with a more distinct hint of punk. Lyrically, the album deals with the classic themes of death and vanity, the ethical and categorical limits of human existence, and the boundaries of truth and knowledge.
    Horisont: Bass
    Kvide: Guitars
    Forsite: Guitars (rhythm), Vocals (backing)
    Svulst: Vocals
    Skral: Drums